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Omen Days

12 Days of Unfolding Revelations

December 26, 2024-January 6, 2025

“As you open you heart to wisdom you will begin to see the unseen essential.”

— Bryant McGill

Are you ready to redefine your experience of the last days of December and capture a glimpse of the year to come? 



What if some of the most magical and mystical days of the year have been almost completely forgotten. In the midst of all of the frenetic energy of the holidays, we often dismiss the deepening stillness that is also present. In many different cultures around the world, the twelve day period beginning on December 26th and ending on January 6th is considered the most holy time of the year. The days slip beyond the boundaries of time and hidden knowledge becomes more accessible. Many of us feel that restless sense of being in a liminal space, waiting for both an ending and a new beginning.


These 11 days and 12 nights can be found in ancient folklore, noted on medieval liturgical calendars, and in various religious and cultural traditions, including the German tradition of Rauhnächte (the 'rough' or 'magic nights), The Twelve Days of Christmas (marking the coming of the Epiphany), and in the Celtic tradition of The Omen Days. Many of the early celebrations and rituals were an effort to harmonize the gap between the Lunar and Solar calendars. It takes takes 365 days for the moon to go around the sun, and 354 days for the moon to wax and wane 12 times. 


The Omen Days are an invitation to observe the signs of nature - the bird's calling, the whispers of the wind through the pine trees, the movement or behavior of a rabbit or other animals, etc.  - and use it as a divination for the year to come. Each day is a literal omen, a preview of the calendar year ahead. December 26th corresponding to January, December 27th corresponding to February, and so on. The Omen or message received that day relates to it’s corresponding month.

12 Days of Unfolding Revelations

Omen Days

December 26, 2024-January 6, 2025

Are you ready to step into 2025 grounded and resourced, reinfused with a little magic and excitement about the year ahead? Come join us as we open our perceptions to new possibilities and celebrate the unfolding revelations that are waiting to be discovered. We will have a 2 live virtual gatherings, as well as daily emails over this 12-day period.​



Sunday, December 15, 2024- 5:30pm-8:30pm (Eastern Standard Time)

We begin our journey by gathering virtually to create a 16-page journal that will hold the beautiful messages we will be receiving from nature over the next 12 days. This will allow for your journal to be completed and ready for you to use when Omen Days begins on December 26th. You will receive a supply list in advance. Time will also be spent reviewing the origins and process of Omen Days, offering guidance and answering any questions about how to prepare and what you will need.

PERSONAL OMEN JOURNEY (On Your Own with Email Connection)

Thursday, December 26, 2024 - Monday, January 6, 2025

Over these next 12 days you will be engaging in your own personal "omen" discovery process. You will be receiving emails daily during this time to offer encouragement, prompts, and connection in this powerful, liminal unfolding. 
The Basic Daily Process

  • Each day you will spend time in nature, being curious, open, and in a meditative state of awareness that allows you to be receptive to entering into the oracle of nature.

  • When you intuit the symbol being offered, listen to the heart wisdom that is coming through for each month of 2024. Remember each day corresponds to a month in the upcoming year (December 26th = January, December 27 = February, etc.).

  • Take time to write, draw, paint, collage in your accordian journal about the omen you received and find a way to bring the message/symbol into your embodied experience each day.

  • You may also want to pull a tarot or a card from your favorite oracle deck to give you another clue for each month.


Monday, January 6, 2024 - 5:30am-8:30pm  (Eastern Standard Time)

We will culiminate our journey by gathering together to create a visual and written blessing in our journals, have a time of processing and sharing, and end with a beautiful ceremony to bless the new year ahead.




Accordian Journal 3.jpg





Sunday, December 15, 2024 - 5:30pm - 8:30pm (Online via Zoom)

Thursday, December 26, 2024 - Monday, January 6, 2025 (On Your Own with Daily Email Prompts)

Saturday, January 6, 2024 - 5:30pm - 8:30pm (Online via Zoom)





  • Supply List Provided In Advance​

  • 2 Live, Online Sessions via Zoom

  • Daily emails providing prompts, support, guidance, and connection.


The Omen Days appeared on my path last year, and it was an unexpected gift that carried me through the post-holiday let down. I found myself looking forward to getting out of bed each day just to discover what message or symbol nature would reveal to me. It was the fourth day of my journey, December 29th, and nothing had appeared during my blustery walk through Lincoln Woods foretelling what April 2023 might hold. I was on my way back to my car when I looked down and discovered a half buried, bright red, miniature toy astronaut. Not a common "nature" item, but it was clear this is was what wanted to be found and received. 


As I journaled with my new red friend, this message emerged:

When was the last time you let yourself be "out of this world?" It's safe to venture into the spaciousness of possibility and not be trapped in the gravity of all the confusion and illusions. Let yourself discover the feeling of expanding, somersaulting through the cosmos with joyful innocence and wonder. Grandmother Moon, Father Sun, and your star family want to bless you, shower you in remembrance of the light and healing warmth that courses through your veins. Now is not the time to hold back. Let your muse take center stage. She is ready to give birth to the creative playground your soul has cried out for. Paint, Sing, Dance, Write, Create, PLAY. There is so much waiting to be expressed through you. 


There were so many potent revelations that occurred when I entered that sacred and liminal time of the "holy days" of ending one year and stepping into another. The wheel is preparing to turn again and I hope you will join me for Omen Days and see what might be waiting for you in the upcoming year.



I understand that life happens and sometimes the unexpected can interrupt our commitments. If you are not going to be able to attend a group or workshop, please text or call Kailey at (401) 329-6527. Also, if you are running late, please text Kailey. Your communication will let us know you are safe and on your way.


If you register for a group or workshop and later become unable to attend, I will gladly offer a credit to use toward any future group or workshop OR a full refund can be requested if notice is given at least 2 weeks before the start of the group or workshop minus a $50.00 administrative fee.  No refunds or credits will be given if less than a 14-day notice is provided. Please contact with notification of your cancellation request.


Workshops and groups at Silvercrest Healing Sanctuary require a great deal of pre-planning, including ordering supplies – all based on the number of individuals who register. As a small business, when individuals ask to cancel at the last minute, I am unable to absorb these costs and keep costs affordable.


In fairness to all attendees, I am unable to make exceptions to this policy, including for reasons of illness, travel, or work hours. If you realize that you are unable to attend the group or workshop you registered for at the last minute, I suggest giving your spot to a friend.


In the event a group or workshop is cancelled due to inclement weather, emergency, or other act of God participants will be notified via text or email and every effort will be made to reschedule a make-up session.


Thank you for understanding!

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984 Charles St., 1st Floor, North Providence, RI 02904

(401) 329-6527

                © 2024 Silvercrest Healing Sanctuary, LLC


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